Design Thinking to Focus, Collaborate, and Play!
If you haven’t stumbled upon design thinking yet, or if you have been hearing about it and are curious as to whether it applies to you and your team, this workshop is the answer. This is a hands-on workshop that includes an overview of the design thinking process while tackling one of the ubiquitous problems in today’s workplace (see problem definition below).
You will get to learn the key concepts and techniques as well as work collaboratively with others to design a product. This workshop will leave you not only equipped with the key design thinking concepts but with techniques that you can apply right away and therefore achieve an increased ability to think creatively and work collaboratively to solve significant problems and leverage unique opportunities of all kinds.
Problem Definition: Direct reports, bosses, colleagues all need each other to perform their tasks and therefore they interrupt each other often to address work issues or sometimes to socialize. While collaboration and socializing are necessary at times, many of these interruptions can be postponed until the individual being interrupted is finished with their current task. We would like to design a mechanism that would allow an individual to easily indicate whether they are now focused and prefer not to be interrupted, or collaborative and available to answer questions or discuss issues as needed, or getting energized and refreshed but maybe open to socializing. We would like to provide a variety of mechanisms for workgroups to choose from depending on their work environment, ranging from technology based solutions to analog solutions that require little or no funding.
Key takeaways
- Understand the key aspects of design thinking including working with your stakeholders to co-create innovate solutions together
- Get insights into the challenges related to workplace interruptions and solutions to address them
- Learn valuable tips and techniques for collaborating and problem solving in the workplace and beyond