The Results Curve™: How to Manage Focused and Collaborative Time

Results CruveThe Results Curve ™ concludes a decade of research and teaching on corporate and academic campuses, in person and virtually via web and video conferencing as well as using virtual worlds such as Second Life. My key findings on how to overcome the challenges of the information overload and how to accomplish meaningful things have been incorporated into the Accomplishing More With Less Workshop and most recently the workbook which is available at in paperback and on Kindle.

Thousands of participants from a broad range of companies and industries, small and large, have made significant breakthroughs using the Accomplishing More With Less Methodology.

In The Results Curve ™ book, I share with you the fundamental principles behind the Accomplishing More With Less Methodology and present three innovative solutions that can help you and your team manage focused and collaborative time so that you get the best of both worlds.

Order the book at
The Results Curve ™

Join the workshop:
Accomplishing More With Less Workshop