We know you have some strong opinions about leadership in the workplace—so share them with us! Our super-straightforward Leadership Survey takes just about 10 minutes to complete, and for participating, you could win some truly great prizes. Check them out below! The drawing date will be announced in mid-May 2013.
First Prize: A complimentary seat in our upcoming leadership program ($1,250 value) and a copy of David Sibbet's latest book, Visual Leaders: New Tools for Visioning, Management, and Organization Change.
Second Prize: A complimentary, one-year individual membership ($120 value, includes 12 workshops) and a copy of VisualLeaders.
Third Prize: A Kindle Fire Tablet, 7" LCD Display, Wi-Fi (value $159), and a copy of Visual Leaders.
Fourth Prize: A copy of the Accomplishing More With Less Workbook and a copy of Visual Leaders.
Here again is the survey link: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/leadership-today.