Guest blog article written by Steve Loosley, Tech Blogger
In a recent post about Google+, one person astutely wondered,
How are people feeling about Facebook vs. Google+? I have both but am not completely sure Google+ is better.
This is a great question!
Is Google+ better than Facebook? Twitter?
Let's begin by asking, What is the difference between Google+, Facebook, and Twitter?
Google+ has the potential to replace most, if not all, of the services that you currently use to share information.
Rather than send email, use G+ to share your thoughts with only one person. Rather than post to a blog, use G+ and make your thoughts public. Rather than tweet, use G+ to share your 140 characters with everyone.
Use Google + to share indiscriminately with a large circle of "friends," and you’re back to Facebook.
Share discriminately with a select circle of associates, rather than send a bulk-email, use a listserv, or configure an invitation service. Share with yourself, rather than opening a journal. Share photos with your family, rather than uploading to a third-party photo-sharing service.
Google+ is highly configurable and potentially replaces a wide range of services — email, Facebook, Twitter, blogs, invites, listserv, and photo-sharing. As one well-known blogger explains, “You simply say what you have to say, then decide who you’re going to say it to.”
But, does this mean that Google+ is better than Facebook and Twitter?
Absolutely not! No.
If I want to share information with my sister and her family, then I better go to Facebook. They don't use G+. If I want to view my daughter's pictures from her summer internship, I know that I better coax her to share a Facebook link. All of her friends are on Facebook.
If I want to track a current event in real-time, such as the recent events in London, then I better turn to Twitter. If I want to share something with my dad, I better use email.
In general, I better choose the communication tool — G+, Facebook, Twitter, email, blog, and so forth — that best suits my audience and purpose.
What do you think? Which social-media site best suits your needs? Why?
Please share your thoughts in the comments below!
If you would like an invitation to join G+, please leave a comment below, note your interest, and we’ll do our best to make sure that you receive an invitation email as soon as possible.
Additional Resources
Accomplishing More With Social Media Webinar Series: 9/19, 9/26 (12:00 to 1:30 pm Pacific Time)
LinkedIn for Sales Professionals! Webinar: 8/5 and 10/14 (9:30 am to 11:00 am Pacific Time)