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Less-Is-More Blog by Pierre Khawand

Google+ Facebook, and Twitter: which is best?

Posted by Pierre Khawand on Thu, Aug 25, 2011 @ 04:00 AM

Guest blog article written by Steve Loosley, Tech Blogger

In a recent post about Google+, one person astutely wondered, 

How are people feeling about Facebook vs. Google+? I have both but am not completely sure Google+ is better. 

This is a great question! 

Is Google+ better than Facebook? Twitter? 

Let's begin by asking, What is the difference between Google+, Facebook, and Twitter? 

Google+ has the potential to replace most, if not all, of the services that you currently use to share information. 

Rather than send email, use G+ to share your thoughts with only one person. Rather than post to a blog, use G+ and make your thoughts public. Rather than tweet, use G+ to share your 140 characters with everyone.

Use Google + to share indiscriminately with a large circle of "friends," and you’re back to Facebook.

Share discriminately with a select circle of associates, rather than send a bulk-email, use a listserv, or configure an invitation service. Share with yourself, rather than opening a journal. Share photos with your family, rather than uploading to a third-party photo-sharing service.

Google+ is highly configurable and potentially replaces a wide range of services — email, Facebook, Twitter, blogs, invites, listserv, and photo-sharing. As one well-known blogger explains, “You simply say what you have to say, then decide who you’re going to say it to.”

But, does this mean that Google+ is better than Facebook and Twitter?  

Absolutely not! No. 

If I want to share information with my sister and her family, then I better go to Facebook. They don't use G+. If I want to view my daughter's pictures from her summer internship, I know that I better coax her to share a Facebook link. All of her friends are on Facebook.

If I want to track a current event in real-time, such as the recent events in London, then I better turn to Twitter. If I want to share something with my dad, I better use email. 

In general, I better choose the communication tool — G+, Facebook, Twitter, email, blog, and so forth — that best suits my audience and purpose. 

What do you think? Which social-media site best suits your needs? Why? 

Please share your thoughts in the comments below!

If you would like an invitation to join G+, please leave a comment below, note your interest, and we’ll do our best to make sure that you receive an invitation email as soon as possible.

Additional Resources

Google+ Project Website 

Accomplishing More With Social Media Webinar Series: 9/19, 9/26 (12:00 to 1:30 pm Pacific Time)

LinkedIn for Sales Professionals! Webinar: 8/5 and 10/14 (9:30 am to 11:00 am Pacific Time) 

Topics: twitter, Google+, social media, Technology