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Less-Is-More Blog by Pierre Khawand

Google+ and Facebook in the Workplace! 3-min CBS Money Watch video

Posted by Pierre Khawand on Sat, Nov 19, 2011 @ 04:59 PM

Google+ and Facebook in the WorkplaceIn this video session at CBS Money Watch, we got to work at the whiteboard and discuss Google+ and Facebook and their usage in the workplace. As you know, I spend a lot of time researching and working with productivity tools, and tools impacting productivity, like the social media platforms. Naturally, I’ve played around with Google+, the new kid on the block. So in this white-boarding session, I got to discuss some of the key difference between Google+ and Facebook and the potential impact that these differences have in the workplace. Most importantly, I pointed out that neither Google+ nor Facebook are truly for the workplace. They are still public platforms and not appropriate for sharing internal information. I predicted that at some point, it is conceivable that an internal version of Google+ might be offered as part of Google Apps (however the recent release of Google+ in Google Apps was just the public Google+ that we all know—so we are not there yet!).

Watch the Google+ and Facebook in the Workplace video (3 min)

Additional Resources

Our tech blogger Steve Loosley has written dozenz of articles about Google+ and the Google technologies recently. Here are a few highlights:

Topics: Google+, social media, productivity